All text and images on this site are the copyright property of DrewMartyn. and may not be reproduced in any form, without the prior written permission being granted.
The text and images are not public domain, and you are not to copy then to another computer, transmit, publish, reproduce, alter or base an illustration or other photographic interpretation.
All rights are reserved and subject to International Copyright Law.
Please Note: It is my policy, no to 'on sell' any information forwarded to my site. Individuals that join the site Mailing List will only receive notification of Site Updates and Special events. Your e-mail address or details will not be sold, or given to any other organization or individual.
Details regarding Models and Individuals whose images appear on this site will not be given out. If you do require to contact any of the models, you can e-mail me, and I will forward your request, if I am able.